Economic and Financial Evaluation Areas of Expertise: Economic and Financial Evaluation Project evaluation including the development of demand forecasts, estimation of capital and operating costs, risk analysis and estimation of the distribution of project benefits.
Transport Planning and Modelling Areas of Expertise: Transport Planning and Modelling Urban transport planning and policy analysis. National and regional network analysis using EMME\2 MVA Trips and other models.
Institutional Development and Reform Areas of Expertise: Institutional Development and Reform Analysis of the organization’s functions and role often entering a new environment. Current strengths and weaknesses. Training needs assessment. Phasing strategies and outsourcing.
Infrastructure Pricing Areas of Expertise: Infrastructure Pricing Estimation of the financial and economic costs imposed by different road users. Identifying efficient charging structures and mechanisms. Rail access charges. Externalities. Conjestion pricing. Optimum tolls.
Regulatory Policy, Private Sector Participation Areas of Expertise: Regulatory Policy, Private Sector Participation Clarifying government objectives and constraints. Identifying market failures and perceived issues. Evaluating the strength of the private sector, degree of competition and likely outcomes under different scenarios.
Rail and Intermodal Areas of Expertise: Rail and Intermodal Railway operations and costings. Privatization and private sector participation. Inter-modal studies.
Survey Planning and Design Areas of Expertise: Survey Planning and Design Development and analysis of transport surveys. Focus groups Structured and unstructured questionnaires. Revealed and stated preference analysis.
Operations Planning and Scheduling Areas of Expertise: Operations Planning and Scheduling Timetable planning and route costing. Bus and crew scheduling.