2016 Developing Pathways to Low-Carbon Transport in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region - Intercity Transport Specialist
The objective of TA-8775 PRC: Developing Pathways to Low-Carbon Transport in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is to assist the Government of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (NHAR) and five local governments to develop a low-carbon transport policy, strategy, and phased implementation plan. While the main consultant effort is addressing reduced carbon emissions in the five cities, this piece of work addresses intercity transport.
Client ADB
The scope for reducing carbon emissions within-modes is believed to be limited. Conversion of vehicles to electricity will have only a limited effect in China since at the margin, electricity is produced from coal. The main opportunities are encouraging a greater mode preference for public transport over private; and within public transport encouraging rail over bus – the latter for reasons of energy efficiency rather than energy source. The main thrust of the study is thus on ways to improve the attractiveness of public transport services.